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We're the Coffee Bean Sisters and we're AWESOME...

LA Trip in February: Ok this trip was fricken bomb ass! I am gonna try to sum it up briefly but we will see how that goes... Friday night, we arrive in LA, we go out to eat with my aunt and uncle and then we went out for the night...In order of appearence we met Aimee Osbourne (wished her luck with her singing career), Joey McIntyre (I told him I still have his doll on my shelf which I do, been a fan for 12 years ya know...), Ryan Tedder (he won Lance's FreeLance Entertainment competition a few years ago. Jenna totally flipped out and it looked like she was gonna cry so I busted her out, pretty funny shit), Justin 'I'm AWESOME' Timberlake (he was a complete jerk but he got what he deserved, a strong tongue lashing from Julianna, she cussed him out and that itself is AWESOME. 'What's your problem?!' 'You are Faggot ass!'), James Marsden (he looked shocked when Julianna called him over all intensly), Simon Rex (I called his name and when he looked I hesitated and starred at him and then asked for a pic, kinda funny I tell ya), Eddie Kaye Thomas aka Finch (this time we knew his name!), Stephen Dorff (we saw him go in and he was the main reason we stayed cause he was one of the only celebs we saw before so we were like 'we gotta meet Stephen), Michelle Rodriguez (she was totally smashed but was still nice 'Anytime baby!'), Ryan Merriman (had a crush on him for a few years now! He was lookin hot and he was shocked we recognized him too), Gregory Smith (way hotter in person and was drunk which is hilarious since he is under 21, he was really cool too!), Erika Christensen (would ya guess that her and Greg are friends? well they are, she was cool and funny when she called out the autograph hunters 'If you didn't know I was in here, how did you get these pictures?'). Somewhere in the night we saw Kirsten Dunst but she was scared and the paparazzi started chasing her so she ran and we saw Steve from Sex in the City but since we didn't know his real name, we didn't get a pic cause we didn't want to be rude by not knowing his name and then we also saw the daughter from Grounded for Life but we didn't know her name either. That wraps up the moving on to Saturday...Jeff Timmons was doing a concert so we went to that to try to meet him, we did and got hooked up! His manager came first and we bought cds from him and then he asked if we were going to the show and we said no we don't have tickets so he was like 'wait right here' he came back and had tickets for us! talk about awesome! Jeff came after we got tickets and we got pix and autographs with him, we told him he was our favorite and he was all 'if nick was here....' and we were like NO, you really are! I asked for a hug and got way more than I bargained for, a hug and a kiss! I mean good lord, Julianna said his hugs were heavenly but the kiss was like God himself! Lol. He was awesome... so we go into the concert, everyone else sucked and then Jeff finally came out and was AWESOME, we left after him though because we had to be at Simple Plan in Anaheim. Got lost of course but finally got there and were listening to it from outside waiting to meet the guys, no luck but the coming days sure made up for it...we went inside HOB to see if maybe there was a meet and greet but there wasn't but its all good. Now moving on to Sunday...this day was devoted to Simple Plan...We head on over to the Palladium at maybe 2. First person we met was Pierre, he was coming back from the gym, smoothie in hand. There were maybe 6 or 7 people total around so Pierre stopped and signed stuff and took pix. He even remembered stuff from a year before. Anyways, next is Jeff and he was cool, he kinda got mobbed while he was filling out our hand-written bio but he was cool the whole way through! We met Frank Borin the video director and he was awesome. Next was Chuck, he toook pix through the gate and stuff and signed stuff. He came back out later and he filled out our hand-written bio too. David comes out and no one in the line even knows who he is so we were like WTF he took a couple pix with us then went off. Chuck comes walking up and stops with us and next thing ya know Hilary Duff is with us giving Chuck a hug! Joel was standing in the back and he was all 'HEY GUYS!' but didn't come over. I a got pic with Hilary and then she went in. We waited around and finally way after the show started, Seb goes running by and is about to go in but instead he dashes over to us. I didn't get a pic cause he had to get in for the meet and greet. Next thing ya know, we end up right smack in the middle of the meet and greet! It was just awesome to be in there! Thanks again 'person who wants to remain nameless' so after the meet and greet, we go back out to wait for Hilary and Joel cause Jenna needed a pic with 'DUFF' and we all need pix with Joel...They came out and we got pix with Joel and I stopped Hilary before she got in the car so that Jenna could get a photo. David was all in the mix and it was really fricken funny. After we met them, we walked back to the car but as we were walking we saw a crowd of people out by the buses and sure enough Pierre and Seb were out signing for fans. I video taped. Pretty cool so after that, we left. Moving on to Monday, we woke up at the ass crack of dawn to go to Burbank to get tix for Jay Leno which Simple Plan was performing on. We got our tickets and went home, we came back at about 3 and got in line. The whole Leno experience was new for us so it was cool. We got threatened to get kicked out cause we were too loud for Simple Plan but they did a great job anyways. We finally decided to leave cause we were pretty sure all the guys had already left. We decided to take a detour by Tower Records to see if there was a line for JC and sure enough, 7:30 at night the day before, there was a line, I dropped Julianna and Jenna off and drove back to Torrance to pick up some shit. After TRL re-run, I went back and there was a midnight selling of JC'S cd so we got our wristbands and went home. We went back Tuesday and got in line for the meet and greet. It was really organized which was cool! We finally saw JC at the Kiis Fm booth and then he went in. We waited and saw some people we don't like and then finally got in. His security was surprisingly nice about it and JC was of course gracious. I walked up and told him that I was proud to call my self a fan because the cd is great and he said thanks, that was really nice of you to say! so after that, I left. It was cool! I love JC! Schizophrenic is fricken awesome! After that, we drove down the street to the Dirty Dancing Havana Nights premiere and met Mya and saw Diego Luna and Jonathan Jackson. It was a first for us so that was cool. After that we were on our way home! We got back to the Bay in record time and then went to bed to prepare for Simple Plan in San Francisco. We met all the guys again and got Pierre and Patrick to fill out the hand-written bios. We got the majority so that is cool! The day was interesting, not as fun as LA though but the guys were cool as always. The concert was fricken awesome as can be expected...All in All, damn good times!

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